Looking for a late 20th-century rental?
Take a look at what's new in Alexandria. Julie Nesbitt can help you find your next rental in Alexandria.
2 beds, 2 full baths
Home size: 1,053 sqft
Added: 04/11/23, Last Updated: 04/11/2023
Property Type: Condo for Rent
MLS Number: VAFX2119534
Subdivision: Eton Square
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22315 Rental Gallery
If you want to sell your home, Nesbitt Realty is here to serve your needs in {Location_Name}. Our Realtors are experienced and familiar with the real estate market in {Location_Name}. A Realtor can help you determine the best listing price for your property. We know how to market your home to get the best price as quickly as possibly. Nesbitt Realty knows how the home selling process works, so we are ready to assist you every step of the way. Nesbitt Realty has access to the MRIS (
our local multiple listing service). MRIS is the MLS database that agents use to find homes for sale in the area. Our agent will add your property to it. Working with a Realtor will make the home selling process run smoothly and much simpler than if you attempt to do it on your own. We're a local family-run business and we appreciate the opportunity to serve your needs.
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